Thursday, October 27, 2011

Lactose Intolerance in Paris

Bonjour!  Ooh La La!  Tres Bien!  Planning a trip to Paris --- the land of cheese and baguette?  Home of creamy coffee and buttery croissants?  In other words, are you prepared to travel to a lactose intolerant's worst nightmare?

When I think of Paris, I am always reminded of Meg Ryan's fabulously funny scene in the movie French Kiss when, after years of avoiding dairy products due to lactose intolerance, she succumbs to the temptation of milky cheese on a French train.... ah the hilarity!  Ah, the painful accuracy.  I go between hysterically laughing and crying in commiseration.

I am always on the look-out for other lactose intolerant bloggers and any good article on living with the annoyance of dairy issues.

This morning, I stumbled across a fabulous article written by Bryan Pirolli about living with lactose intolerance in what is undoubtedly, a very lactose-full city.

Read Bryan's Article by Clicking Here (thank you)

I am book-marking Bryan's blog on my list to the right.  He doesn't write exclusively about his lactose intolerance, but his essays on an American's Life in Paris and his accompanying photos make clicking over to his blog a fun treat.  As Meg Ryan would say "... ah!  Beautiful!  Wish you were here!"

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