I discovered I was lactose intolerant the hard way. I was in my teenage years, and had stopped at a road side ice cream stand to indulge in one of my favorite summer-time treats. Oh, that soft-serve, vanilla ice cream with rainbow sprinkles.... I can taste it now.
Except, that I can not taste it now and unless some miraculous twist of fate occurs, I will never taste it again. That soft-serve ice cream cone attacked my stomach with angry vengeance. I remember barely making it to my grandparent's house thirty minutes away. I had hoped that the problem lay with the softness of the soft-serve ice cream, but then I had similar reactions when I ate hard ice cream and whip cream. The day that my stomach started its wretched churning after I had eaten the butter cream frosting off a bakery cake, I knew that my life had changed forever.
Nothing is more wonderful than butter cream icing.
I've done my research, but there isn't much information to be found. Mostly, I get around being lactose intolerant by avoiding all milk products. I've learned that I can eat most hard cheeses and soft cheeses up to and including mozzarella. Brie is okay in small quantities, but I have to avoid ricotta like the plague. Butter seems fine, but cream freche is a definite no-no. I can drink Lactaid milk, but those lactaid tablets only work 50% of the time and who wants to risk that? I've been lactose intolerant for years, but I still have so many questions: Does cooking milk change anything? Can I eat cream cheese? Am I doomed to cool whip forever? There are so many "buts" when you are lactose intolerant.
What have you found out?
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