Monday, April 9, 2012

Marry Me Bars: My Constant Obsession

I am not a huge fan of ice cream.  Even before my lactose intolerance reared it's ugly head, I never craved ice cream or ordered a dish of vanilla for dessert at a restaurant.  I did enjoy walking into town, as a youngster, and getting a clown cone at Baskin Robbins, but  I suspect that it really was the icing clown buttons I was actually after.

Of all the foods I had to give up when I became lactose intolerant, ice cream was the least difficult to say good-bye to.   Bakery-made butter cream frosting, on the other hand?  I'm still broken hearted about that one.

I do love desserts, though, and I always scan the freezer aisles of my local grocery store in search of lactose-free products.   I feel it is my lactose intolerant duty to support as many lactose-free businesses as I can.  When I discovered Tofutti Marry Me bars and their cousins the Tofutti Cutie, I had to give them a try.  It's a tough job to sample desserts all the time, but it's mine and I take my jobs very seriously.

That first exposure to Tofutti products was years ago, and yet I remain a faithful Toffuti customer.  The Marry Me bars are probably my favorite.  They are simply amazing.  The chocolate is dark and smooth and the "ice cream" is vanilla-y and creamy.  It's the lactose-free answer to the Dove Bar and it pleases me to no end to be able to enjoy a frozen novelty from time to time, without fear of debilitating pain.

Tofutti Cuties (ice cream sandwiches) are delicious as well.  I particularly like their small size which is perfect for small children who need very little additional sugar.  If you were to open my freezer, you would be certain to find a box or two of the Cuties waiting to be eaten.  

But my latest Tofutti obsession?  The New Yours Truly cones.  Lord a mercy!  An ice cream cone filled with solid chocolate?  A lump of dairy-free ice "cream" on the top?  Covered in chocolate and crunchies?  What's not to love about that!

So good job, Tofutti company!  The lactose intolerant solute you!

(and thank you, too)

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